Monday, September 27, 2010

The Numbers Don't Budge!!!

Arrrgh. It seems I spend all my lunches eating fruit and salad. Really good combo, right? I'm sure the culprit is the inability to MOVE MY BUTT! Ok, yeah, I know I SHOULD, but the spirit is unwilling. Alice and I seem to be in the same boat here. So....motivation? It needs to come from somewhere, other than MY brain ... it's in protest. Working 2 jobs at the age of 60...almost 61 is part of the problem. I'm just so freakin' tired!! I know, I know...if I MOVE regularly, I won't be so tired.

Well, tomorrow is another day (quoting Miss Scarlet) and I promise...really...I'll at least take walks on my breaks at work. I also have a fit ball to sit on so I should sit on it. Yep, that I can do too.

Thanks for listening.


1 comment:

  1. I hear ya babe. I wish we were in the same area so we could walk together. That would help. I guess in spirit. You can do it. Of course I didn't do anything today. had toleave out early and then my wrists are aching from the shots. I'll get back with it tomorrow. Gained .4 this week. Going the wrong direction!
