Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Blahs

Well, I've haven't done as well this last of this week. Haven't exercised since Wednesday. I've had the time, just not the energy. Eating habits have suffered also. Need to get back on track. Seems the mind is not doing so well on the matter. If anyone has suggestions on how to keep the blahs from effecting everything else, I'm open. The only thing I don't want to hear is "well, you just do it". I got that, just don't want to, even though I need to. I have to keep reminding myself to just look at a progression of 1-2 lbs at a time, but sometimes that feels like Mt. Everest. Sometimes it's not a day at a time as it is a minute at a time. Need to get out of the pity party mode and just deal with it, but sometimes our situations will effect our desires to be motivated. It is during these times that I have to really guard not going to the comfort foods to feel better. Maybe after getting the laundry finished, I'll go do some exercise. Maybe I'll feel better then. Can't always change the circumstance, but can change how I let it get me down. I'm not to that point, but hope I can get there.

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