Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exercise Plan for those in midlife....

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks. Then try 50-lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.)

After you feel confident at that level, start adding potatoes to each of the sacks.

Love ya, Alice

Monday, October 11, 2010

Walking at Home with "Sarah Palin"..... ?

I got a DVD workout for Walk At Home. A 5-Day workout...1 mile a day. With warm up and cool down, about 25 minutes. 

This video is loaded with great miles of exercise. This system allows you to walk a mile at a time or build your own workout. You can choose 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 miles of exercise.

I love the option of doing a mile a day, especially if it’s the way you start your day. When you wake up and walk it kicks the metabolism into high gear. If you’re just coming off of a full night’s sleep, your metabolism is sluggish until you eat and start to move.

That’s exactly what’s in this program – a mile for each weekday morning and a high energy breakfast for each morning. This healthy routine will make you feel great – wake up, do a mile of exercise and you’re off to a great start of your day.
Each consecutive mile is a different workout.
  1. The first mile is just classic walking at home. Leslie Sansone shows you how to do the multi-muscle recruiting mile system; it’s basic, but brisk. 
  2. The second mile features upper body exercises that target the arms for more toning; if you feel up to it, you can incorporate light hand weights.
  3. The third mile incorporates leg slimming exercises, all while keeping the brisk aerobic pace. 
  4. Mile four is all about the tummy, otherwise known as your abdominal muscles. Yes, you can slim the waistline while walking!
  5. The fifth and final mile is a really fast calorie-blasting-12-minute-mile-walk.
I have yet to be able to do 5 consecutive days, but I did 3, then rested Saturday and Sunday and this morning I did mile four. 

I think I'm going to like this routine.  
Not MY Butt
I just get up about 30 minutes earlier (that's the really hard part)
get a glass of milk and start walking. 

When I close my eyes I hear directions given by Sarah Palin. Leslie Sansone sounds so much like her it's laughable.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Walking Workouts to Lose Weight

Found this information on the website written by Linda Freeman Webster. She is a certified personal trainer, group fitness, yoga and Pilates instructor who has been in the fitness industry for 20 years. She has published articles for IDEA Health and Fitness Journal, IDEA Fitness Manager, and USA Hockey Magazine.

Very informative. Now if I'll just DO IT


Walking is a great way to lose weight, and you can walk almost anywhere at any time. All you need to begin is a supportive pair of shoes that fit well and provide cushioning. Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that is gentle on your ankles, knees and hips. It has the added benefit of fighting osteoporosis by increasing bone density. Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Power Walking

Power walking is a vigorous form of walking that uses the entire body to burn calories at a higher rate than a moderate stroll. Always begin a power walk with three to five minutes at a slower pace to warm up your muscles. Once you are warmed up, begin to pick up your pace, and focus on powerful swinging movements with your arms. Keep your elbows bent and your hands open with your palms facing inward. Move your hands up to shoulder level on the forward swing and back by your hip on the backward swing. Focus on landing mid-foot and rolling off your toes with each foot stroke. You should be sweating within five or 10 minutes and working at an intensity level of 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to ten

Speed Interval Walking

Speed interval walking is an effective way to burn some extra calories during your walking workout and boost your metabolism so you burn more calories during and after your walk. Use landmarks; for example, if you are outside, use light posts, houses or mailboxes as your landmarks. After a brief warm-up walk, pick up your pace to a comfortably moderate pace at a work level of approximately a 6 on the 1-to-10 scale. Walk for the length of four landmarks, then increase your pace to a work level of 8 to 9 for two landmarks. Alternate between these two intensities for the length of your walk. When you are working at the higher intensity, you should get slightly out of breath, and it should be challenging to try to have a conversation

Strength Interval Walking

Strength interval walking alternates between periods of moderate intensity walking and segments of strength training. You can do this workout using a treadmill and assorted weights, or you can do this outside using body weight for your strength intervals. This type of workout works well using timed intervals, so have a watch that is easy to read. Walk for three minutes at moderate or higher intensity, approximately 7 to 9 on the scale of 1 to 10. Then perform 90 seconds to two minutes of strength training. If you are outside, you can do walking lunges, squats, incline push-ups and tricep dips using a park bench, and heel raises off of a curb. Pick one exercise for each strength interval, and work out for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Walking to Jogging

Walking to jogging is another way to increase the calorie burn of your weight-loss workout. Alternate between intervals of walking and jogging, using either time intervals or landmarks to determine your distance. The jogging intervals do not have to be far or fast; any bit of jogging burns more calories and increases the intensity of your workout. If you are going to do generally small bits of jogging, you can keep your walking shoes; however, if you decide to increase the length and amount of jogging intervals, you might want to switch to running shoes.

[probably won't be doing this ... dislike the "bounce factor]


Stretch at the end of your walking workout to prevent tightness and injuries. Use a step or curb to gently press your heels down, stretching your heels and ankles. Next, with straight legs, lean forward from your hips as you reach toward your toes to stretch your hamstrings and lower back. Finally, with your hands on your lower back, engage your glutes and gently press your hips forward to open your hip flexors. Hold each stretch at least 30 seconds, and take deep breaths to help recover your heart rate and relax your muscles

Read more:

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Numbers Don't Budge!!!

Arrrgh. It seems I spend all my lunches eating fruit and salad. Really good combo, right? I'm sure the culprit is the inability to MOVE MY BUTT! Ok, yeah, I know I SHOULD, but the spirit is unwilling. Alice and I seem to be in the same boat here. So....motivation? It needs to come from somewhere, other than MY brain ... it's in protest. Working 2 jobs at the age of 60...almost 61 is part of the problem. I'm just so freakin' tired!! I know, I know...if I MOVE regularly, I won't be so tired.

Well, tomorrow is another day (quoting Miss Scarlet) and I promise...really...I'll at least take walks on my breaks at work. I also have a fit ball to sit on so I should sit on it. Yep, that I can do too.

Thanks for listening.


Monday, New Day New Week New Ramblings

Okay. Back on track today. Worked out to my Walk Away the Pounds DVD this morning. A mile in 12 minutes. Also worked out at Curves during lunch. Supper is a low fat sub at Subway. I have been drinking water all day and actually feel better. Kinda addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper, but can really tell when I have had too much. I am looking for some good healthy soups for this wonderful fall weather. If anyone has some, please feel free to share. Steve and I love soups, but he tends to use cheese and lots of milk and such. He really loves potato soup, so if anyone has a low fat not quite so starchy way of making it, I'm open.
I added a recent pic. Not very happy with how it looks, but it will get better as I improve my life.
You know, we are God's temple. Yes, I believe in God and am very thankful for the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus. I want so much for this temple to a better and fit place for his spirit to reside. I am thankful for my friends all over for their support. Not only do I need to do a better job of taking care of this temple, I know I need to do better at getting into the word. I'm sure much of my stinking thinking would improve if I meditated more on His word. You see, folks, it's a wholistic thing. It's not just the better eating and exercising and all. It is taking the time to listen to Him and to just be quiet in His presence. I have so many areas that need so much improvement. I am a work in progress. You would think that at 51, I would have more control over things. That just shows you that we are all here together to help each other and learn from each other. God sent you to me and me to you. Let's continue to walk hand in hand and become a better vessel for the Lord. Who's with me!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Blahs

Well, I've haven't done as well this last of this week. Haven't exercised since Wednesday. I've had the time, just not the energy. Eating habits have suffered also. Need to get back on track. Seems the mind is not doing so well on the matter. If anyone has suggestions on how to keep the blahs from effecting everything else, I'm open. The only thing I don't want to hear is "well, you just do it". I got that, just don't want to, even though I need to. I have to keep reminding myself to just look at a progression of 1-2 lbs at a time, but sometimes that feels like Mt. Everest. Sometimes it's not a day at a time as it is a minute at a time. Need to get out of the pity party mode and just deal with it, but sometimes our situations will effect our desires to be motivated. It is during these times that I have to really guard not going to the comfort foods to feel better. Maybe after getting the laundry finished, I'll go do some exercise. Maybe I'll feel better then. Can't always change the circumstance, but can change how I let it get me down. I'm not to that point, but hope I can get there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well, now you've done it!!

Shame me into moving my butt, why don't you?! Ok then.

Does shampooing the carpet count? It should. I worked up a sweat just doing 1 room. It was REALLY DIRTY!!! I'm embarrassed to say we let it go waaaay too long before another shampoo.

I'll have to check into those Walk Away the Pounds videos. I've heard of them. Just never ventured further than looking at the cover.

So. The challenge is on.  We should get pedometers and record our "milage" and see how far we can walk. Maybe to Hawaii or Alaska? HA. Well it's a thought.

Love ya.  Kay